Sunday, September 30, 2012

Personal Obituary

  We are here with Lyzbeth Contreras to remeber a great friend, daughter, mother, and wife. Born in June 12, 1997 she was loved by everyone in her family since she was born. Everyone had high hopes for her that she would graduate, have a career, and have everything she needed to be an independent woman. She did not disappoint she was alomost a perfect student with no absences, no tardies, and good grades her mom was very proud of her and told her to keep it up. "You need to go to school  and have a career that you love so you don't end up like me, all stressed out and barely earning a lot of money." mom said. She did she graduated high school even though, she thought she wouldn't make it. 
  She went ahead and got a little more of an education because she didn't want to work yet. Eight years passed and was starting to have an interest in drama. She loved to sing, act, and especially dance. She had a great career being a professional dancer and was really happy at what she earned and she spoiled everuone in her family. With all the great life she had she had never expected to have a great life. She had accomplisehd everything she ever wanted and she is very content of her life of having to have a better life than any of her family members. She thanks her mom, aunt, and grandma for loving her and supporting her.

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