Sunday, September 30, 2012

Summary of Summer Vacation

  The best thing that happened was when was school was over on May 30 and I was planning on having a great summer. At least, I thought I did turns out that it was pretty boring and I had the same routine almost everyday. My parents both work Monday through Friday and they both went really early like at five to six in the morning. They came back at four or five in the afternoon both really tired. So, I stayed home everyday with my brother and grandparents sometimes going out in the mornings to the store at nine to buy some food and it was more than one store. I am not a morning person and I lose my patience so I just don't talk at all and it looks like I am mad which is mostly true.
  Mostly, in June was the month I had fun because it was my birthday and I was having a party for my fifteen. I invited some friends and some did show up we were all eating hamburgers and hot dogs. My friends and I were in one table separated from all my family memebers I figured that if I put them together then it will become awkward. The party was like a quiceanera's would've been but in a backyard instead of a salon and my theme colors were purple and silver. I was wearing a purple dress that had silver stones with silver shoes and my hair was all curly since, I literally always have straight hair I looked awesome and the cake was white with purple decorations containing three layer of vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. Everyone said that I look fabolouse especially my friends since they have never seen me in a dress with curly hair.
  After the party I was happy especially with the gifts and my money. Later in July I went to Smantha's fifteen who is a friend of mine. The salon was awesome and her colors were red and white she looked awesome. She invited lots of friends that I knew so it was rally fun and we were all dancing in a circle thats my first time to really dance in front of people but I got really comfortable. All the rest of the summer was pretty boring I was just watching cable all day and constantly kept eating at random hours of the day. We had a couple of swimming pool parties in my aunt's house which she is awesome but, yeah just a couple with family members and all my little cousins. In one of the parties I guess I didn't put enough sunblock because the next day my shoulder's were peeling. At least, my face wasn't peeling wasn't like my brother's he got so frustrated. Then just more eating, watching tv, playing with my ipod, and then it was get ready for school.

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