Sunday, September 30, 2012

1st Six Weeks

  The first week of the six weeks is always the easiest but also pretty boring because of the class expectations, rules, and the syllabus. My classes were all okay except for one which was Spanish I and I don't know why I have it I can read, write, and speak it well. I got stuck in that class so oh well. Since the beginning I am doing well in all of them and I should be. Some classes are really far apart but I managed to get there in time.
  The work of the classes were most of them easy and algebra I'm starting to get better at which makes me happy. My cluster is almost the same as it was last year which is hard if you don't study because you constantly take tests. Culinary Arts is most of the time fum because I mostly cook things I've never heard of but they do taste good. I know that I am doing much better this year than last year because I was slacking off and was mostly lazy and I am surprised that I passed all the STAAR tests and I could've done much better if I took last year more seriously.
  This six weeks went pretty by fast and I should have a good report card coming in because I know I did good. Finding the classes were a lot more easier than my freshman year by a big difference. Now I am just hoping that I keep doing the same for the rest of the school or even better and just hope that I went slack off by the middle of the year. I found out that my problem is the middle to the end of the year my grades begin to drop like every year. I need to fix that because I am not taking any risks this year because I want to be a junior I seiously don't want to flunk and I am not even going to think about becoming a drop out. I want to graduate that bad.

Newspaper article and summary analysis

Subject: Perry being able to qualify to enter int national economic policy debate.
Occasion: the campaign for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney to become president
Audience: The article was written for a reader
Purpose: It was produced for the ones who go for romney to open their eyes and see that he is not the solution.
Poin of View: He believes  that Gov. Romney provides unsolited advice to the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. 
Speaker: Douglass Stafford
Tone:The feeling this article expresses is critical, irritated, solemn

6 events

May 2 – A pastel version of The Scream, by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, sells for US$120 million in a New York City auction, setting a new world record for an auctioned work of art.

June 56 – The century's second and last solar transit of Venus occurs. The next pair are predicted to occur in 2117 and 2125.

June 24 -
  • Shenzhou 9, a Chinese spacecraft carrying three Chinese astronauts, including the first-ever female one, docked manually with an orbiting module Tiangong 1, first time as the country, making them as the third country, after the United States and Russia, to successfully perform the mission.
  • Lonesome George, the last known individual of the Pinta Island Tortoise subspecies, dies at a Galapagos National Park, thus making the subspecies extinct.

July 27 – August 12 – The 2012 Summer Olympics are held in London, United Kingdom.

July 30 - 31 – In the worst power outage in world history, the 2012 India blackouts leave 620 million people without power.

August 6Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory mission's rover, successfully lands on Mars.

Personal Obituary

  We are here with Lyzbeth Contreras to remeber a great friend, daughter, mother, and wife. Born in June 12, 1997 she was loved by everyone in her family since she was born. Everyone had high hopes for her that she would graduate, have a career, and have everything she needed to be an independent woman. She did not disappoint she was alomost a perfect student with no absences, no tardies, and good grades her mom was very proud of her and told her to keep it up. "You need to go to school  and have a career that you love so you don't end up like me, all stressed out and barely earning a lot of money." mom said. She did she graduated high school even though, she thought she wouldn't make it. 
  She went ahead and got a little more of an education because she didn't want to work yet. Eight years passed and was starting to have an interest in drama. She loved to sing, act, and especially dance. She had a great career being a professional dancer and was really happy at what she earned and she spoiled everuone in her family. With all the great life she had she had never expected to have a great life. She had accomplisehd everything she ever wanted and she is very content of her life of having to have a better life than any of her family members. She thanks her mom, aunt, and grandma for loving her and supporting her.

Summary of Summer Vacation

  The best thing that happened was when was school was over on May 30 and I was planning on having a great summer. At least, I thought I did turns out that it was pretty boring and I had the same routine almost everyday. My parents both work Monday through Friday and they both went really early like at five to six in the morning. They came back at four or five in the afternoon both really tired. So, I stayed home everyday with my brother and grandparents sometimes going out in the mornings to the store at nine to buy some food and it was more than one store. I am not a morning person and I lose my patience so I just don't talk at all and it looks like I am mad which is mostly true.
  Mostly, in June was the month I had fun because it was my birthday and I was having a party for my fifteen. I invited some friends and some did show up we were all eating hamburgers and hot dogs. My friends and I were in one table separated from all my family memebers I figured that if I put them together then it will become awkward. The party was like a quiceanera's would've been but in a backyard instead of a salon and my theme colors were purple and silver. I was wearing a purple dress that had silver stones with silver shoes and my hair was all curly since, I literally always have straight hair I looked awesome and the cake was white with purple decorations containing three layer of vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate. Everyone said that I look fabolouse especially my friends since they have never seen me in a dress with curly hair.
  After the party I was happy especially with the gifts and my money. Later in July I went to Smantha's fifteen who is a friend of mine. The salon was awesome and her colors were red and white she looked awesome. She invited lots of friends that I knew so it was rally fun and we were all dancing in a circle thats my first time to really dance in front of people but I got really comfortable. All the rest of the summer was pretty boring I was just watching cable all day and constantly kept eating at random hours of the day. We had a couple of swimming pool parties in my aunt's house which she is awesome but, yeah just a couple with family members and all my little cousins. In one of the parties I guess I didn't put enough sunblock because the next day my shoulder's were peeling. At least, my face wasn't peeling wasn't like my brother's he got so frustrated. Then just more eating, watching tv, playing with my ipod, and then it was get ready for school.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's in a Name

  The name Lyzbeth is a variant of Elizabeth which is Hebrew and Lizbeth which is in English. The meaning of the name is "God's promise" or "God is my oath."
  Elisabeth was the wife of the priest Zacharias and mother of John the Baptist. She was also the cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

Origin/Country: American 
Meaning: Consecrated to God

Origin/Country: British
Meaning: Abbreviation to Elizabeth

Origin/Country: English
Meaning: Abbreviation to Elizabeth

Origin/Country: Hebrew
Meaning: Pledged to God